Sunday, December 16, 2012

Transcribing and translating your family documents

Books and documents are important components in our genealogical research as they help us build our own family history. Many times our ancestors belong to different countries and different languages that are not the one that we belong, and language, as well, becomes a barrier affecting our personal investigation when we don’t know it.

When transcribing a manuscript all the elements of the text are kept exactly as they appear on the writing, including all the abbreviations. While doing an abstract, only the relevant information is provided, including dates, places and full names.

I will use as an example the baptism of my maternal 3rd grandmother Balbina, from Cabo da Praia, Terceira Island, in the Azores. The original document is part of Biblioteca Pública and Arquivo Regional deAngra do Heroismo, all rights reserved.

In earlier times, it was common to condense some of the words in a document. If you are transcribing, is very tricky if you don’t know the original language.

Below is the above document transcribed, exactly as it appears on the original document, line by line, following the original old way of writing. Note that I placed in between brackets the words that are abbreviated by the person who wrote the document and on the left side the numbers correspond to the number of lines is the document.

1             1829
2             Balbina, filha de João Jaquez e de sua mer.[mulher]
3             Maria do Carmo ella nal.[natural] da Villa de S. Se
4             bastião e ele nal.[natural] e ambos freguezes desta
5             Parochial de Sta. Catharina lugar do
6             Cabo da Praia desta Ilha 3a. nasceo em
7             os quinze dias do mez de Novembro do an-
8             no de mil oito centos e vinte nove. Foi Ba
9             tizada por mim Vicente Toste Coelho Vigro.[Vigario]
10           proprio desta da.[dita] Parochia, em os vinte
11           e dois dias do do.[dito] mez, e como logo lhe im
12           puz os Stos.[Santos] Oleos: foi Padrinho Franco.[Francisco]
13           Mdo. (Machado) cazado com Rita Ignacia nossos
14           Parochianos Era ut Supra.
15           Vigro  Vicente Toste Coelho

And here I have another way of interpreting the same document.  The text describes what is in the original paper but do not attain to it’s original writing, line by line as I have done above.

Balbina, daughter of João Jacques and his wife Maria do Carmo, was natural of São Sebastião and he was natural of Santa Catarina Parish, at Cabo da Praia, where both were parishioners, in Terceira Island. She was born in 15 of November of 1829 and was baptized by the Vicar Vicente Toste Coelho, from the same Parish, in 22 of the same month and year. Francisco Machado, married to Rita Inácia, was the Godfather and both are parishioners. Date as above. The Vicar Vicente Toste Coelho.

Do you need any help researching, transcribing or translating a portuguese document? ? I can help you transcribe, translate, and conduct further genealogical research as well as restore these books, documents and photographs. Click here for more information about these services and below a link for the before and after pictures of my work while my site on conservation and restoration is in contruction.

Thank you!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Vingança em Pernambuco - 1843

Neste primeiro semestre de 2012 estreiou nos Estados Unidos a mini-série “Hatfield & McCoys  - Nunca Perdoe, Nunca Esqueça”1 que conta a saga de duas famílias e a rivalidade que entre elas cresceu após a Guerra Civil americana, em fins do século XIX. Kevin Costner e Bill Paxton são os respectivos patriarcas das famílias Hatfield and McCoy nesta mini-série de três capítulos.

Fazendo genealogia já há alguns anos sempre me surpreendi aqui e ali com alguns fatos na história de minha família, mas o que irei contar abaixo foi de todos o que mais se destacou e que não deixa de ser um paralelo com a história  das duas famílias acima e o espírito de vingança que foi suscitado através das animosidades entre membros das duas famílias.

Toda a informação que você irá ler abaixo é baseada em pesquisa que venho fazendo em livros e jornais da época, em meu tempo livre. Ë somente uma breve descrição do que aconteceu entre os anos de 1842/1843  e culminou com o assassinato de Antonio Francisco do Rego Barros, meu tetravô, dono do Engenho Genipapo, situado em Rio Formoso, Pernambuco, Brasil.

“Olho por olho” era uma expressão comum e muitas vezes “lei” paralela à lei oficial no Brasil do século XIX. Vendeta e coronelismo era parte do dia a dia de muitas famílias no nordeste brasileiro. Onde existia a atividade rural, exercida em largas propriedades de terra  nos nossos tão característicos “engenhos”, também existia esta prática política. Em 1840 muitas famílias viviam sob constante perigo, minha família era uma delas.

Minha descrição tem o intento de somente ser informativa, ao lada da genealogia, já que o lado paterno de minha família estava envolvida nesta trama. Para compreender mais profundamente o ocorrido no Engenho Genipapo preciso ir além na minha pesquisa e trazer a luz novas informações.

O Professor de História da Tech Texas University, J. Mosher, em seu livro Political Struggle, Ideology and State Building2, descreve a situação política da Província de Pernambuco entre os anos de 1815 e 1850 e, resumidamente, o assassinato de alguns membros de minha família, entre eles o de meu tetravô Antonio Francisco do Rego Barros, no Engenho Genipapo. Eu também tive oportunidade de ler um dos jornais da época, o Diário Novo, o qual descreve o assassinato extensivamente, em várias de suas edições, além de outros crimes que assolavam aquela Província na época.

13 January 1843

Tudo começou com a morte do tenente-coronel Pedro Cavalcanti Uchoa, adjunto da polícia local de Rio Formoso, nas matas do Engenho Genipapo, em 16 julho de 1842.3 Prontamente veio a reação àquele incidente com ataques a propriedade do Engenho acima. Este fato deu inicio a uma série de outros.

Antonio Francisco viajou da capital da Provícia para o Ceará em busca de proteção e enquanto lá estava, além dos ataques a sua propriedade onde teve suas plantações queimadas, dois de seus sobrinhos foram mortos e outro ferido como podemos ver abaixo nas palavras do Deputado Nunes Machado, em sessão de 25 de Janeiro de 1843, na Câmara dos Deputados:

“...é agredida segunda vez a sua propriedade, o seu engenho é saqueado, a sua casa de vivenda do mesmo modo, e ai a pretexto de correr as casas, por presumções de existencia de armamento, teve esta diligencia em resultado (diligencia sempre apadrinhada com as cores de autoridade publica) serem assassinados dois individuos em presença da senhora de Antonio Francisco , individuos pertencentes á sua familia, um sobrinho e um cunhado, escapando uma terceira victima toda baleada...”4

Em 2 de Janeiro de 1843, Antonio Francisco decidiu voltar para Pernambuco com um grupo armado. Sua mulher, Maria Marroquina de Jesus Nazareno estava grávida e pronta para dar à luz, este seria o décimo filho do casal. As animosidades só vieram a crescer no Rio Formoso com a sua volta.

Em  7 de Janeiro de 1843,  dois dias após o nascimento do bebê, o Engenho Genipapo acordou sabendo que aquele não seria um dia como os outros e suas vidas viriam se transformar para sempre. O engenho ficou sitiado por mais de 12 horas pelo delegado suplente de Rio Formoso, sua tropa e inimigos de Antonio Francisco, ao todo em torno de 200 homensaté o trágico desfecho que se formou naquelas terras.

O 10. Comandante da Polícia, Miguel Afonso Ferreira, enviado pela capital da Provícia de Pernambuco, chegou pouco depois do crime e foi incapaz de fazer qualquer coisa, mas somente tentar ajudar a viúva e os filhos que pediam proteção do Governo.

Em relato do dia 11 de Janeiro ao Presidente da Província, o Barão da Boa Vista, o Comandante Miguel Afonso descreve o que encontrou:

Quando entrei na cada de vivendo do engenho Genipapo achei o cadaver do finado Rego Barros (já tinha sido informado da sua morte) no assoalho, coberto com um lençol, tendo a seus pés sua infeliz mulher, que de joelhos pedia a proteção do governo. Tão lastimoso era o seu estado, e tão pungente era a sua dor e a de seus filhos, que fizerao todos banhar-se em lágrimas; e nada puderam naquela ocasião informar, senao que as fechaduras das portas tinham sido arrancadas por ordem do delegado, e a porta do quarto da casa de vivenda, em que estava o infeliz Rego Barros, tinha sido arrombada a machado pelos assassinos. É isso o que tenho a honra de levar ao conhecimento de V. Ex.”5

 Minha tetravó, Maria Marroquina,  mulher de Antonio Francisco, se mudou para a Província da Paraíba com todos os filhos, vendendo depois o Engenho Genipapo para outra família.

Escritura de venda do Engenho Genipapo

Dois dos filhos de Antonio Francisco e Maria Marroquina do Rego Barros, são meus trisavós. Eram eles Claudino do Rego Barros e Maria das Merces. Claudino se casou com Josepha Antonieta Vasconcellos, filha de José Teixeira de Vasconcellos, Barão de Maraú. Maria das Merces se casou com Antonio Ferreira Balthar. Seus filhos, primos irmãos e meus bisavós Amalia do Rego Barros, filha de Claudino e Josepha, e Antonio Ferreira Balthar Filho, filho de Antonio e Maria das Merces, se cararam em 18 de Abril de 1880, no Engenho Munguengue, na Paraíba.

Claudino do Rego Barros, filho de Antonio Francisco

Antonio Ferreira Balthar Filho, meu bisavô, estudou na primeira Faculdade de Direito do Brasil, se tornando advogado, Chefe de Polícia e Desembargador, na Paraíba. Desde então tudo ficou em paz na família e agora faz parte da história.

Desembargador Antonio Ferreira Baltar

P.S. Quero agradecer, especialmente, a meu primo e genealogista Adauto Ramos pelas fotos de minha família como também nomes e datas na minha família paterna; e a Fabio Arruda, genealogista, pesquisador de famílias brasileiras e engenhos do Nordeste do Brasil, o qual me forneceu precisa localização do Engenho Genipapo e escritura das mesmas terras. Ambos são membros do Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia -

  1. "Hatfieds and McCoys"
  2.  Jeffrey Mosher
  3.  Newspaper research in Brazil - 
  4. Anais da Câmara dos Deputados, 1843. Vol. II, Parte I. Google Books
  5. Relatorio de todos os fatos ocorridos no engenho Genipapo desde o dia 5 até o dia 7 de Janeiro de 1843. Anais da Câmara dos Deputados, 1843. Vol II, Parte I. Google Books.

  •          Mosher, Jeffrey C. Political Struggle, Ideology and State Building – Pernambuco and the Construction of Brazil, 1817 – 1850. University of Nebraska Press. 2008. 
  •       History Magazine, May/June 2012
  •       Diario Novo. 1 Agosto 1842, 13 Janeiro 1843, 18 Janeiro 1843. Biblioteca Nacional Digital
  •      Arquivo Público do Estado de Pernambuco - Registro de Terras Publicas - 1858,1859 - Vol.5.  Rua Imper Dom Pedro II, 371 - Santo Antônio  Recife - PE, 50010-240, Brazil -tel:81 3224-0620

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vendetta in Pernambuco

Do you have a Hatfield or a Mccoy plot in your family tree? I do have on mine. I always post on this blog stories about my maternal lineage, from the Azores, but today I’m going to talk a little about my paternal lineage.

The mini-series “Hatfields & McCoys – Never Forgive, Never Forget”1 released a few months ago, at the History Channel, traces the saga of these two families and the bitterness that grew between them through the years after the Civil War. Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton are the patriarchs, Hatfield and McCoy, in this three mini-serie episodes. 

What happened to the Hatfields and McCoys was not something that only took place in the United States. “Eye for an eye” was a common expression and the “law” in Brazil during many years. "Vendetta” and “coronelismo”2­­ were part of the daily lives of many families in the northeast, especially in the XIX century. In 1840’s some families were living in constant peril, my family was one of them. 

All the information you are about to read is based on the research I have been doing, in my free time, reading books and newspapers from that period, to say the least. It’s just a brief description of what happened between 1842/1843 and culminated with the murder of Antonio Francisco do Rego Barros, my 3x great grandfather owner of “Engenho Genipapo”, situated at Rio Formoso, Pernambuco, Brazil.

I’m not a scholar and my description has the only intent of being informative besides its genealogical nature, as my paternal side of the family was involved. To understand all that took place at my 3x great grandfather’s plantation, I need to go further in my research and bring up more information.­­

Associate Professor of History, Jeffrey Mosher3, in his book Political Struggle, Ideology and State Building, describes the political situation that was taking place in the Province of Pernambuco between 1815 and 1850 and, briefly, describes the assassination of some members of my family, including my 3x great grandfather, Antonio Francisco do Rego Barros, at the Genipapo Estate. I also had the opportunity to read the Diário Novo4, a newspaper of that time, which describes the murder, extensively, and other crimes that were happening in that Province. 

It all started in July 1842, when the interim police commissioner of Rio Formoso, Pedro Cavalcanti Uchoa, was murdered in the vicinity of my family plantation. A reaction was promptly ignited and attacks to the property and to some family members were just beginning.

“Wealth did not provide sure protection from crime. In July 1842 the interim police commissioner of Rio Formoso, Pedro Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Uchoa, was murdered near the Genipapo estate. In response, a group of armed men surrounded the plantation and killed a man they thought to be the murderer. On October 19, 1842, a group again surrounded the estate and proceeded to kill two individuals”5.

At some point, Antonio Francisco traveled to Ceará, which has a border with Pernambuco, and while he was there his sugar cane plantation “had been overrun several times, his crops burned and two of his nephews killed and another wounded”6. He decided to come back home, in January 1843, backed by armed men. His wife, Maria Marroquina de Jesus Nazareno, my 3x great grandmother, was pregnant and almost giving birth. This baby was going to be their 10th child. 

The animosities just grew in Rio Formoso, knowing that Antonio Francisco was back. On January 7, 1843, two days after their baby was born, the Genipapo Estate awoke knowing that this wasn’t going to be a normal day, their lives were going to change forever. 

“Antonio Francisco and his men were surrounded for twelve hours, until a local police official convinced them to accept an offer of reconciliation. When his armed men disbanded, Antonio Francisco’s house was broken into and he was chased out a window, shot on the roof, and after he fell to the ground, repeatedly shot in the stomach. The attackers mutilated the ears and cut the face of the corpse. The victim left a widow and ten children, including a baby born only two days before his murder.”7

The Police sent by the Province arrived less than an hour after the murder and was unable to do anything but help the widow and the children. My 3x great grandmother, Antonio Francisco’s wife, Maria Marroquina, moved to the Paraíba Province with all her children and later sold the Genipapo Estate. 

Genipapo Estate Deed

Two of their children are in my direct ancestor line, my 2x great grandmother, Maria das Mercês do Rego Barros, and my 2x great grandfather, Claudino do Rego Barros.  Maria das Mercês do Rego Barros who married to Antonio Ferreira Baltar;  Claudino do Rego Barros who married Josepha Antonieta Vasconcellos, daughter of José Teixeira de Vasconcellos, Baron of Marau. Their children, as well as cousins, Antonio Ferreira Baltar Filho, on one side, and Amalia, on the other side, married on 18 April 1880, at Engenho Munguengue, Paraiba. 

Claudino do Rego Barros, son of Antonio Francisco and my 2x great grandfather

Antonio Ferreira Baltar Filho, my great grandfather, studied at the first law school in Brazil, Faculdade de Direito do Recife, Pernambuco and became later in this career  a Chief of Justice and a High Court Judge, in Paraiba. Since then all is peace and part of history.

Desembargador Antonio Ferreira Baltar

P.S. A special thank you to my cousin and genealogist, Adauto Ramos, for providing my great grandfather photo as well as names and dates information on my father's side; and Fabio Arruda, genealogist and researcher of families and "engenhos" from the northeast of Brazil, who provided information on Genipapo Estate location and Deed. They are both members of Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia -

  1. "Hatfieds and McCoys"

  2.  a word in Portuguese to express the power of the land owners in rural areas of Brazil..

  3.  Jeffrey Mosher

  4.  Newspaper research in Brazil -

  5.  Mosher, Jeffrey C. Political Struggle, Ideology and State Building – Pernambuco and the Construction of Brazil, 1817 – 1850. University of Nebraska Press. 2008. Page 126

  6.  Mosher, page 149.

  7.  Mosher, page 149

  8. History Magazine, May/June 2012

  9. Diario Novo. 1 Agosto 1842, 13 Janeiro 1843, 18 Janeiro 1843.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Giving life to your ancestors

Link para a página em Português.

As soon as I had in my hands the Marriage Certificate from my great grandparents on my mother’s side, Theresa Lopes and Francisco Machado Drummond, many doors were open in my research as well as finding the place where they lived in the first eight years of their marriage – 23 Travessa do Sereno, Morro da Conceição, downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  My curiosity became even bigger after that.

As an artist and having a degree in Museology and Art History I do have an eye for investigating things associated with my creativity. Since I found the address I started creating a picture in my mind of what would have been the life there and the surroundings of the house – my great grandparents, their house, Rio de Janeiro in the XIX century, besides other small details that came up with my research.

In the beginning I started searching the internet for images of Travessa do Sereno. I had an urge to see the place they lived, where they started their life, where they walked in their everyday life and also where my grandmother, Leonor Lopes Drummond, was born on June 4th, 1900. I found out that Morro da Conceição, Travessa do Sereno neighborhood, was a convergent point for Portuguese immigration in Rio de Janeiro. So, little by little, I was creating an imaginary picture. 

The universe started working on my behalf and I found a website from João Barcelos and his paintings, one of them was picturing Travessa do Sereno. I really love João’s painting, he not only pictures the actual landscape but investigates the architectural history of Rio de Janeiro creating unique works of art. I saw clearly that João Barcelos was the right person to work with me in my new project. Immediately I sent an email to him and explained that I would love to have my great grandparent’s house painted. He promptly went to visit the address, took photos and sent them to me.

Strategically situated close to Rio de Janeiro’s Port, the Morro da Conceição is at the moment being remodeled as it became a tourist point because of its uniqueness in Historic Downtown Rio de Janeiro. 

After a few days I received a sketch from João Barcelos. His ability as an artist was quickly revealed as he was able to remove all that was polluting the landscape, creating a poetic composition for me. Having my approval, he proceeded with his art work.

Now in my living room, besides family photos, I’m happier than ever with my painting. I have a feeling of work done, partially.for sure, as I’m always inspired by my family. It’s through her and its legacy that I guide my life and of those who share theirs with me.

- João Barcelos
Fotos e trabalhos de arte acima.

- Nina Rabha – Arquiteta
Morro da Conceição, patrimônio histórico

Dando vida aos seus antepassados.

Link to the English page

Quando tive acesso a Habilitação de Casamento de meus bisavós maternos, Theresa Lopes e Francisco Machado Drummond, novas portas se abriram em minha pesquisa além de vir a constatar o local onde residiam nos primeiros oito anos de sua vida de casados – Travessa do Sereno 23, no Morro da Conceição, no centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Minha curiosidade cresceu imensamente.

Como artista, museóloga e historiadora da arte tenho um olhar investigador aliado à minha criatividade. Passei então a tentar dar vida a uma nova “composição” que se formava em minha mente – meus bisavós, a casa e local em que moravam, Rio de Janeiro no século XIX, além de uma série de outros pequenos detalhes que vieram a se confirmar com minha pesquisa.

Decidi inicialmente buscar na internet imagens  da Travessa do Sereno. Precisava “ver” o local onde meus bisavós moraram, onde iniciaram sua vida, onde caminharam no seu dia a dia e onde minha avó, Leonor Lopes Drummond, havia nascido em 4 Junho de 1900. Descobri que, no século XIX, o Morro da Conceição foi ponto de convergência dos imigrantes portugueses que chegavam ao Rio de Janeiro. Ali se localiza a Travessa do Sereno.

E foi assim, com o universo conspirando a meu favor, que encontrei o site de João Barcelos e suas pinturas, uma das quais retratava a Travessa do Sereno. De pronto adorei a arte de João, não só retrata paisagens de hoje como também investiga o passado arquitetônico da cidade onde mora e dele tira inspiração para suas pinturas. Vi, com clareza, que João era a pessoa certa para trabalhar comigo nesta nova idéia. Imediatamente entrei em contato através de email e a partir daí iniciamos o processo de criação de uma pintura onde ele retrataria a casa de meus antepassados. João prontamente visitou o local, tirou fotos e me enviou.  

Localizado estrategicamente ao lado do Porto do Rio de Janeiro, a travessa e o Morro da Conceição estão, no momento, sendo revitalizados por ser local não só de turismo, como também de valor arquitetônico único inserido no Centro Histórico do Rio de Janeiro.

Passaram-se somente alguns dias e rapidamente eu já tinha um “sketch” do quadro feito por João. A habilidade de João se fez presente, pois ali conseguiu remover tudo que polui a paisagem atual e acrescentou seu lado poético de artista na composição. Tendo minha aprovação, João prosseguiu com seu trabalho.

Casa dos Bisavós de Isabella - Óleo sobre Tela - 2012 - João Barcelos

Hoje estou mais feliz do que nunca com minha pintura, na minha sala de estar, ao lado de fotos da família. Tenho a sensação de estar cumprindo pouco a pouco o trabalho que tanto me inspira, a história de minha família. É através dela e do legado gerado ao longo dos séculos, que norteou minha vida e daqueles que dela partilham.

Links pesquisados:

- João Barcelos
Fotos e trabalhos de arte acima.

- Nina Rabha – Arquiteta
Morro da Conceição, patrimônio histórico

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Preservation and restoration of your family treasures

Let’s talk a little bit of conservation of your family heirlooms!

If you read my profile you probably noticed that I’m also an artist, besides my background in Museology and Art History. I love to express my inner self through acrylics and, specially, watercolors. 


At a certain point in my life I decided to work in the preservation and restoration field. It was easy to decide that I want to work with books as I love them since I was a little girl. Also, I could use my artist skills of over 20 years and my academic background to help people preserve their precious family treasures and books for the generations to come. 


The last 30 years of my life was dedicated to study arts, art history, and lately preservation and conservation. A few years ago I started using my art background to restore old books, family bibles and documents. Working with these family gems provides me with a great deal of gratification, challenge and excitement since it invites me to participate in the history portrayed by each book or manuscript, and the techniques utilized by that specific time period and culture.

The book restoration process depends on a series of characteristics presented by the book. First of all, is the thorough analysis of the book’s history and structure for this will determine which methods will be utilized when putting the book pieces together at the end.

Below a graphic, made by my daughter, explaining the steps I use in book restoration and a little bit of my work:

 Before                                                                                                    After

Last but not least, through my lenses, book restoration and conservation goes beyond the techniques utilized and the process of taking a book apart and placing it back together, it gives me the opportunity to immerse in a different time and experience the stories told by people all over the world!

Below you have two links where you can buy archival materials to store your documents, books and photos. If you need any help in a custom project, just let me know I will be more than happy to help you:

Archival Inc.

University Products

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

40 Top Genealogy Blogs - Around the World in 40 Blogs

I'm so happy that my blog was selected to represent one of the 40 Top Genealogy Blogs International from Family Tree Magazine!

I've been trying to do my best in helping others to find their relatives in Brazil while I research my ancestors! Every comment is welcome and I will be more than happy to help others not only with tips on where to research, but as well as restoring their family heirlooms, like books, family bibles, documents and translations whenever is needed.

Thank you, Family Tree Magazine! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Ship Manifest, a Passport, and a Newspaper in your research

A Ship Manifest, a Passport, and a Newspaper in your research

My great grandfather, Francisco Machado Drummond, grandson of Francisco Ferreira Drummond, the historian from São Sebastião, Terceira Island – Azores, emigrated from the Azores to Brazil, for the first time, when he had just completed 13 years old. His passport was clear with several information about himself. I found it at the archives in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island (see footnote 1.). This was the first of several other trips he was going to do during his lifetime between the Azores and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Finding his passport records at the Angra's archives brought so much life to my great grandfather, his family history, thus my family genealogy.

The second time he traveled to Rio de Janeiro was in the company of his second wife and a son of six months old. The year was 1893. After obtaining a copy of their passport for this second trip from the archives in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, BPARAH, I was able to learn when they were traveling - June or July of 1893. Attached to the family passport there was also the ship ticket’s receipt. On the ticket receipt there was the ship's name, the Lissabon. What a great find to continue my research.

I decided to find more about my great grandfather, his family and his arrival in Brazil. I knew the year and the approximate months of arrival in Rio de Janeiro. The best place to start my research was using the Arquivo Nacional do Brasil and their online database. This is the equivalent of the National Archives of the USA. If I could find the ship manifest with his name and his family new doors were going to open, bringing more information and evidence. The Arquivo Nacional has a large online database in Portuguese immigration and is always updating their digital archives with more records.

After looking on some steamers arrivals at that time, all in pdf format, I finally found the ship they traveled to Brazil, the Lissabon, from the SÜDAMERIKANISCHEN DAMPFSCHIFFAHRTS GESSELSCHAFT , a german company leaving originally Hamburg, in Germany. After downloading the pdf to my computer, I took a careful look at the manifest and was able to find the date of arrival, July 8th 1893, the commandant’s name, Holm, and an extensive list of 363 passengers, all in 3rd class. Although the ship steamer had 2nd and 1st class, only the third class was listed. No death took place during the trip and all arrived in good condition. 

The newspapers of that time usually had information on what was happening on the Ports of Brazil, and knowing that the main library in Brazil, the Biblioteca Nacional, had them digitized and fully researchable, my next step was finding those with the approximate date of the ship’s arrival. I not only found the newspaper of my interest, but got more new information. The names of other passengers that were not listed on the ship manifest from Arquivo Nacional do Brasil were found on the newspapers. I don’t know why they did not list these passengers on the manifest, but they were probably traveling in the 1st and/or 2nd class. The number of days the ship took from São Miguel to Rio de Janeiro was 16 days, from a total of 27 days. The newspaper also has a list of all the ships that were arriving on that day besides the Lissabon, as well as other ones that were expected to arrive on the next couple of days. 

I learned that we really need to go as further as possible in our research, searching all kinds of sources. When we less expect we can find something new that can lead us to unexpected discoveries!

Detail of "O Pais - Domingo,  9 de Julho de 1893"

Biblioteca Nacional 

Biblioteca Nacional 

Find more about how to research in the Azores and Portugal at:

Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional Luis da Silva Ribeiro

Rua do Morrão, 42 - 9700-054 Angra do Heroísmo

Telefone: (+351) 295 401 000Fax: (+351) 295 401 009
