A list of Portuguese who emigrated from Madeira Island to St. Kitts & Nevis on 16 Apr 1858.

 List of Portuguese who emigrated from Madeira Island to St. Kitts & Nevis on 16 Apr 1858.

This post includes a list of Portuguese emigrants who embarked in Madeira Island to St. Kitts & Nevis in the Caribbean under a contract to work in different plantations in the middle of the XIX century. The four images containing their names and plantations owner's names were kindly shared with me by Victoria O'Flaherty, retired archivist from the National Archives of St. Kitts & Nevis - www.nationalarchives.gov.kn, and were transcribed by myself. Names have the present spelling to facilitate the research. I am also including other resources for those researching Portuguese people who emigrated to these islands.

Beginning of transcription

[page 293]

"The Immigration Committee

appointed under Act no. 717

Respectfully Report

That on the 4th instant there arrived in the Barque Nautilus from Madeira 58 Adults Laborers accompanied by 48 children.

That there [their]  busin[ess] consequence became due to Captain Henry Laws £574. stg [sterling] being the full bounty fixed by the aforesaid Act as payable on the introduction of Immigrants at the rate of £7. for adults and £3.10s. for children each.

Thus there is also due to James Taylor, Esquire thirty three pounds four shillings.

That annexed is a statement showing the distribution of the Laborers and the sums to be paid unto the Treasury by the persons to whom their contracts have been assigned.

And your Committee recommended that your Honorable Board and House respectfully request His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to issue orders for the payment of the terms of £574. and of £33.4/. out of the fund raised specifically for Immigration purposes.

Signed Jno S. Berridge

Committee Rooms Chairman

16 Abril de 1856."

Continuation of transcript with names of entire families and original images click below for Google drive document:

Other search resources for St. Kitts & Nevis:

St Kitts & Nevis Archives - www.nationalarchives.gov.kn

St Kitts & Nevis at Family Search - https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/625386?availability=Family%20History%20Library

Linda Brewster Mallalieu family history website - http://cornerofgenealogy.com/category/st-kitts/
