Ship Manifests: Passenger lists of arrivals and departures from Portugal

Hundreds of passenger lists of ships passing by, leaving or arriving in Portugal between the years of 1875 - 1918. Lists are part of the holdings of Torre do Tombo National Archives, Lisbon, Portugal. They are not indexed. The list comprehends departures and arrivals from different ports, including in Brazil, a few areas in Africa, Italy, Germany, England, etc. - Accessed 19 Nov 2019.

"Passenger lists includes the following information: passenger number, name, place of birth or nation to which they belong, occupation, age, marital status, qualifying titles, place of embarkation, place of landing, passport or visa number , deported, deported passengers, and arrested squares subject to military degradation to West Africa and observations.

The comments include information on the number of passports, police visas (Lisbon and Porto), transfer of passengers, deceased passengers on board, persons not boarding, etc.

The list of passengers highlights the emigration to Europe, Africa, Brazil and America. There are several shipping companies, ranging from Portuguese, National Shipping Company (mainly to Africa), Red Cross Line that served Belém do Pará, Royal Mail, among others. The documents highlight the companies and vapors that covered the distance from Brazilian ports to Lisbon. They list boat entrances and exits by adding useful details such as nationality, type, tonnage, port of origin or destination and travel time. They highlight the stops at the various ports. Many of them connected from Liverpool to Pacific Steam's Valparaíso and Callao line with direct connection from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Manaus and Pernambuco. The documents highlight the amount of domestic and foreign vapors and packages coming from African, Brazilian, English, French, Spanish and German ports. These are the major passenger carriers traveling between Portugal, Europe, West Africa, America and Brazil."

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo - Accessed on 19 Nov 2019.

Click on any link period below to access records.

Relação de passageiros 1875/1918


  1. Hi Isabella- do you have access to earlier lists? I am looking for ships to Mexico from 1570-1580 from Portugal

    1. Hi, for the time period you are looking for, 1570-1580, you are not going to find passenger lists, such as those found in the XIX and XX century.

  2. Hello Isabella,

    Happy New Year to you!

    I am now trying to find a relative that after arriving in California,. But I was told that he didn’t like California, and went back to Portugal, probably around 1920.

    I have always hoped that someday there would be ships manifests from the U.S. to Portugal online. So I am thrilled that this manifest could be available on your website soon.

    Regards, Carolyn

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Isabella Baltar