Terceira Island, land of my ancestors!

Last month I spent almost one month in Terceira, Azores, place of most of my maternal ancestors. What an amazing time I had there not only researching my family history, visiting the towns where they lived, spending time praying at the churches they married, baptized, and eventually were buried, as well as working in Biblioteca Publica e Arquivo Regional of Angra do Heroismo, as an intern. 

 Holding Francisco Ferreira Drummond's manuscripts, my 3rd Great Grandfather,
at Biblioteca Publica and Arquivo Regional of Angra do Heroismo.

My internship gave me opportunity to deal with book conservation and restoration and, at the same time, browse all those shelves filled with historical books and documents that are there for centuries. Going deeper on my family research, and work with such a splendid historical library and archive was unforgettable! I cannot forget to mention the wonderful people I met, without them it wouldn't be as fun as it was. Food needs a special post here, it couldn't be fresher and better, made my life better as well as I'm eating more fish right now. With all these, I have to tell you that my heart is definitely connected to Terceira, and with plans to go back soon.

I will share with you what I saw in Terceira and what I learned from being there on the following posts. Also, if it is in your plans to travel to Terceira in the future, I can give you great advice; don't hesitate to send me an email. I'm thinking even to organize a group for a genealogical trip to Azores for the next year, so if you are interested, let me know.


  1. Oh, how wonderful! It sounds like you had a lovely time there.

    I'm not sure where all of my Portuguese ancestors came from. But I know that my 2nd great-grandfather came from Ilha da Madeira.

  2. It was great, Jana. I really enjoyed and learned a lot. Maybe its time for you to start your search on your Portuguese side!

  3. Jose Olinto Xavier da GamaTuesday, 09 April, 2013

    Eu Descendo de José Machado Tostes,que veio por volta de 1750,da Ilha Terceira para Bom Sucesso Mg,no seu testamento,ele falou ser natural da Terceira,não mencionou local,filho legitimo de Manuel Machado da Fonseca e Isabel Cardosa,como faço pesquisar este casamento.
    Voce é da familia Baltar,morei em Vitória Es numa republica com o Armando Baltar.era do Rio,voce conhece
    Jose Olinto Manhuaçu Mg

    1. José,
      Encontrei José Machado Tostes saindo da Ilha Terceira e indo para o RJ em 1789 para encontrar um tio. Possuo um pdf com a lista de passageiros que foram para o Brazil nos segunda metade do seculo XVIII. Me envie um email para myportuguesegen arroba gmail ponto com, assim poderei dar mais detalhes e lhe ajudar.
      Quanto ao Armando Baltar, não o conheço não, meu Baltar é do Recife, PE.
      Aguardo seu contato.

  4. Prezada Isabela,
    sou descendente de José Machado Tostes e gostaria de saber se ele tinha antepassados cristãos-novos.
    Meu e-mail é: helder_ssousa@yahoo.com.br.
    Grato pela atenção.

    1. Olá Hélder,
      Ë muito difícil poder comprovar se temos ancestrais cristão-novos, os registros disponíveis em sua maioria não mostram isso, por conta do grande controle da inquisição, salvo aqueles que foram condenados por não se converterem e assim temos os documentos na Torre do Tombo.

  5. an organized trip would be a great idea. Depends on how long it would be as I work full time and depends on the cost.


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Isabella Baltar