Adriana's Birthday 19 Feb 1904

Today was my maternal grand aunt Adriana’s birthday. She was much more than my grand aunt, she raised my mother and looked after me and my sisters like her own grandchildren while we spent vacation with her, or when she traveled to visit us. No one called her Adriana, but Sinhá. We had a very special connection from the beginning of my life. I loved her deeply. I was 17 years old when she died in 1976 and until today I remember how caring, sweet and loving she was.

Adriana’s older sister, Leonor, was my mother's mother and my blood grandmother. Leonor died very young at 36 years old when my mother was only 5 years old. Adriana took care of my mother as her own daughter.

Adriana and Leonor were the two daughters of Thereza Lopes and Francisco Machado Drummond,  Leonor the older one and born in 1900. They were from Terceira Island in the Azores. He from the Vila de São Sebastião, Angra do Heroísmo municipality, and her family from Porto Martins, in Praia da Vitória municipality.

On this photo Adriana appears with my mother, Maria Thereza.  I believe my mother was about 6 years old. The photo has no date but I can say it's around 1934, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  1. Gosto muito desta foto da Vovó Sinha, mas não sabia que era a Mamãe que estava com ela. Também não lembrava que ela fazia aniversário em fevereiro.
    Estou acompanhando o blog e estou adorando os posts, mas tenho uma pequena dificuldade, pois está em inglês. Consigo entender muita coisa, mas em outras eu fico perdida.
    Parabéns pelo trabalho de pesquisa!!! Beijos,

    Patrícia (não sei como faço para comentar com a minha conta!!!)


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